Formative Assessments

Grade in #noneminutes ... Grade less. Assess more! 

The following sites all offer Formative Assessment tools that are extremely engaging and can be implemented with relative ease! If there's a product you see on here that you want to implement but need some help with, drop me a line. And if there's a Formative Assessment that you use and don't see on the list, let me know and I'll add it!! ~ Daniel

Formative - Super charge your assessments with Formative using many different types of questions, media, the ability for students to draw, and a powerful back-end where you can track progress and give immediate feedback.

Socrative - Create open-ended, multiple choice, true-false questions. Easy "exit ticket" tool to assess learning on the fly. You can easily share assessments with other teachers as well, so it allows for easy collaboration.

Kahoot! - I love this one, and so do the kids...gamify your assessments with Kahoot! Tap into students' competitive spirit and intrinsic motivation with this slick tool. A lot of "Public" Kahoots have been created that you can use or remix to make your own!

Quizizz - Another one I love in the gamification of assessments. Much like Kahoot!, this assessment is a competitive experience for students however, where Kahoot! requires all students to be going at the same speed, Quizizz alows students to work at their own pace. The back-end data collection is extremely useful for reteaching or addressing common problems.

Padlet - Use this "digital corkboard" in your class and watch your students really push themselves (and others) to gain a deeper understanding of the material covered in class. I've used this to tool for many purposes in class but it works really well as a Formative Assessment tool.

The Answer Pad - This one is great for any subject matter, but Math teachers love this one especially...they have digital graph paper!! Have your students demonstrate their understanding of concepts by giving them the ability to draw their answers.

1 comment:

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